
Photography Prints

If you are interested in purchasing photography prints and other products, please visit my complete gallery website. There I have featured my favorite photographs in Public Galleries. The website has full support for client proofing with an integrated shopping cart. If you prefer, you can make an account, mark your favorite photos, and save them for purchase later. I will personally edit and check each photo you mark to make sure you get the best resolution photo possible prior to order approval.

My photography prints are fulfilled through Mpix labs, Photobox, FotoFlot, and a number of other great print labs. You can order individual prints, make professional photo books, or other products like greeting cards, collages, stamps, etc.


Video Gallery

I also have my collection of time lapse and drone videos in my video gallery. The videos are a collaboration between Jeremy Mallari and myself. They involve quite a lot of drone flying practice (with lots of crashes!) and are very time consuming learning new video editing software and compiling. I hope you enjoy watching!

Original Artwork

I have many hobbies and interests. I have also learned to do  traditional fine arts, including painting with acrylics and watercolors; drawing with colored pencil, ebony pencil, pastels, and charcoal; block printing and print making; sculpture, glassforming, batik dying, and many other techniques. To view examples of my fine art work, please visit my original art gallery. Thanks!